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Create Quiz with AI from any text

Create quizzes from any topic, YouTube URL, PDF, or text in less than 10 seconds

236 quizzes created in last 7 days.

How it works

How to create AI Quiz

Text to Quiz

Easily generate a quiz from any text you provide. Upload or paste your text, and watch it transform into engaging questions. Ideal for testing comprehension and knowledge quickly.

Document to Quiz

Create an insightful quiz on any topic of your choice. Input a subject or idea, and get relevant, structured questions. Perfect for learning and teaching purposes.

PDF to Quiz

Upload a PDF document to generate a customized quiz based on its content. Extract key points and test understanding effectively. Ideal for academic or professional use.

Image to Quiz

Convert visual content into thought-provoking quizzes. Upload an image with text, and transform it into questions. A creative way to learn and teach visually.

URL to Quiz

Turn any webpage into an interactive quiz effortlessly. Provide the URL, and extract meaningful questions from the content. Great for enhancing reading comprehension.

YouTube to Quiz

Transform YouTube videos into engaging quizzes seamlessly. Input the video link, and create questions from its content. Perfect for interactive learning from video material.

Perfect for Every Professional

Educators & Schools

Create unique, engaging assessments in minutes. Save hours of manual work while ensuring fresh question sets for every class and exam.

Online Courses & Tutors

Easily generate a quiz from any text you provide. Upload or paste your text, and watch it transform into engaging questions. Ideal for testing comprehension and knowledge quickly.

HR Professionals

Instantly generate compliance assessments from policy documents. Keep your team updated and compliant with automated quiz creation.

Marketers & Content Creators

Generate interactive quizzes for lead generation, audience engagement, and better customer insights. Perfect for boosting conversions and gathering data.

Corporate Trainers

Effortlessly create training quizzes to assess employee knowledge and track progress. Streamline your training process with automated question generation.

Event Planners & Hosts

Create fun, interactive quizzes for virtual or in-person events. Engage participants with dynamic quizzes that can be tailored to any event theme or audience.

Straightforward, affordable pricing

No subscriptions, no stress😃. Enjoy with one-time payments😎.

Starter Plan

$9 /Month

Save with yearly bundle

Growth Plan

$29 /Month

Save with yearly bundle

Professional Plan

$59 /Month

Save with yearly bundle

Free trial

$0 /Month

Save with yearly bundle

Generate quiz questions Up to 2,500 Up to 10,000 Up to 25,000 Up to 25
Input character Limit 5,00010,00020,000100
Online exam




Not allow

Online exam Student limit




Not allow

Download quiz question
Text to Quiz
URL to Quiz
YouTube to Quiz
PDF to Quiz
Multi Languages Support
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Frequently asked questions


mrquizer.com helps you create quizzes using AI. Generate quizzes from any URL, PDF, YouTube video, or topic in seconds for free.


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